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Pburn updated

May 12, 2009 — BarryK
I have upgraded zigbert's Pburn to 2.4.0.

Um, what's this other package, 'close-dvd+rwtools'? Do I need to put that in too? I haven't been following the Pburn thread recently, don't know what this is for. I just noticed it listed as a plugin for Pburn.


Username: zigbert
'close' is a part of the dvd+rwtools, but not included in the puppy dvd+rwtools package. It is ONLY used for fixating dvd when the original fixating fails. This is normally not necessary, but plinej reported that he had some trouble with his burner, and needed a solution for this. He provided the 'close' package. Plugins are only shown in menu if their dependencies are complete. Sigmund

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