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Pfind 4.9 broken

June 27, 2009 — BarryK
I have reported this with an earlier version of Pfind. When searching for a string in a file, it finds too many files. Version 4.9 still has this bug. I'm running pup 415.

I wanted to find the sring "SA_SHIRQ" in files in the 'pctel' modem source package, and Pfind came up with 27 files, that's all of the files in the package!

Running Pfind from a terminal and doing the search:

# pfind
/usr/local/pfind/pfind: line 752: /root/.pfind/pfindrc: No such file or directory
/usr/local/pfind/func: line 281: [: =: unary operator expected
grep: /root/.pfind/pfindrc: No such file or directory
Xlib: unexpected async reply (sequence 0xde)!

Also, when I exited from the program, the proper way via the File menu, I did not get back to a prompt in the terminal. Something is still running. Checking with 'ps' in another terminal:

23128 root 2652 S /bin/bash /usr/local/bin/pfind
23662 root 2680 S /bin/bash /usr/local/pfind/box_splash
23663 root 28520 S gtkdialog3 --program=pfind_splash --center
23672 root Z [sh]

I did a CTRL-C in the first terminal, get the prompt but these still running:

23662 root 2680 S /bin/bash /usr/local/pfind/box_splash
23663 root 28520 S gtkdialog3 --program=pfind_splash --center
23672 root Z [sh]

Anyway, I installed Turma, and it found 3 files.


Username: zigbert
Barry Could you send (point me to) me the pctel source pacakge. I need to do the same search to find the bug. After your last report I did extended text-searches and I found it stable after some tweaks. Now we're back again..... The pid-killing should be a simple bugfix Sigmund

Username: zigbert
"Barry I have checked pfind form terminal, and on my system I get the prompt back after exit, and all pids are killed. Does 'xwininfo' exist on your system? I'm using Puppy 4.1.2 Sigmund

Re: Pfind
Username: BarryK
"Zigbert, yes I have 'xwininfo'. You don't need the pctel package, just the latest '415' Puppy. I get the same error always now. I just did a search in /usr/share/edfview for "SA_SHIRQ" and Pfind listed all the files inside that directory. After I quit the application, got all this on the terminal: [i]# pfind EXIT="Ready" rm: cannot remove `/tmp/searchresult13286': No such file or directory xwininfo: error: No window with name Pfind exists! xwininfo: error: No window with name Pfilesearch exists! xwininfo: error: No window with name Pfind exists! xwininfo: error: No window with name Pfilesearch exists! Killed[/i] This time all processes have terminated. I tried again with a different string "yabbidodah" and this time it reported no files found. I exited and it exited cleanly, all processes terminatd. Then I repeated the exact same exercise, searched for "yabbidodah", again it reported no files found. But this time when I didn't get any dialog window, nothing, just this line endlessly repeating in the terminal: [i]xwininfo: error: No window with name Pfind exists![/i] was supposed to bring up the original dialog window but got hung before that. So, it is quite sick. It is getting confused by what is a quite simple string "SA_SHIRQ", and the enhanced dialog is not terminating properly sometimes, which prevents the main dialog from coming up and it hangs.

Re: Pfind
Username: zigbert
"Thank you very much for your feedback I'll dive into it

Pfind fix
Username: zigbert
"This should fix the SA_SHIRQ bug :)

Username: ttuuxxx
"Hi Barry, On the Pfind forum thread I posted a libbeagle package,The lib is 76kb and the package has all the gtk docs and dev files included, Most larger distros use Beagle as a search, but that uses mono, but libbeagle is the backend, and Basically I was asking zigbert maybe he could make a GUI for libbeagle, it might actually be better than whats being used now, Or possibly One of the talented Vala programmers could use it. Nic did a nice Job with the editors look maybe he might want a stab at it, here's the link. also if you want to see the beagle homepage. ttuuxxx

Tags: woof