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Pictureviewer image viewer

June 18, 2009 — BarryK
MU (Mark) has written a lovely little image viewer in Genie, which also displays PDF files.

Version 0.3 has a problem with inappropriate buttons, so for now I have just edited out those, and gave it version number 0.3.1. Package '' will be uploaded to ibiblio soon.

Pictureviewer can be launched from PuppyBrowser to drag-and-drop images from web pages. PuppyBrowser does not have a mouse right-click menu that could be used to save an image, but this mechanism with Pictureviewer works nicely -- you don't even have to open the Pictureviewer app first, just drag onto the Pictureviewer icon inside PuppyBrowser.

Note, this drag-and-drop is generic, and can be done from any application.

I'm thinking though, Pictureviewer has buttons to open in mtPaint or set the image as wallpaper (runs Nathan Wallpaper Setter), but what would be handy is a "Save as..." button. Perhaps MU could tag that as a to-do for the next version!

I have included the source code in the package, in /usr/local/Pictureviewer. The two source files are 2.3KB and 22KB and the binary executable is 39KB. MU used ValaIDE to compile it, but I have also included a compile script 'bk_compile' to compile without ValaIDE.

I have made Pictureviewer the default image viewer for Woof builds. If the package is chosen it sets /usr/local/bin/defaultimageviewer to 'Pictureviewer' instead of 'gview'.

I have just noticed something, Pictureviewer will not display a SVG image, but it should do so, as gdk-pixbuf supports SVG, at least it does in 412 and the Woof-builds, courtesy of librsvg. Perhaps MU could tag this as well! Then of course, if displaying a SVG image, there should be a button to launch the 'defaultdraw' application, which will normally be 'inkscapelite'.

Tags: woof