source SFS file
August 10, 2009 —
This was uploaded to my source repo recently:
However, rerwin reported that a header file 'linux/bounds.h' is missing (needed for compiling a module). I posted it to the 4.3pre-beta feedback thread on the forum.
I have also rebuilt the SFS file, but not yet uploaded it. Probably will do so tomorrow when I go to the Telecentre.
The new file is kernel_src-
Note, at this stage I'm inclined to stick with the kernel for pup 4.3, even though we will have the problem of needing separate squashfs 3.3 and 4.0 SFS's depending whether the user is using the or older kernel.
On the upside, I can use the same kernel and modules for the Upup build.
I'll probably make a firm decision on this in a couple of days.
Tags: woof