4.3beta2 in 10 hours
September 06, 2009 —
I had it ready several hours ago, but was uploading the latest PET packages to ibiblio.org.
Now I have started to upload the 4.3beta2 files, but you'll have to wait.... and wait. Ibiblio can be painfully slow sometimes -- currently uploading at 10KB/sec and estimated completion is 10 hours from now...
I'm posting this message at 7.35am GMT+8 (Western Australia). So, barring any upload failure, completion will be by 5.35pm.
Use a international time converter, such as this one, to figure out your local time:
...for example, in Los Angeles the completion time will be "Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 2:35:00 AM"
Of course, I'll announce it on this blog.
Upload almost doneUsername: BarryK
The upload to ibiblio.org has been steady on 10.5KB/sec the entire time, so they must be throttling transfers. Anyway, gFTP reports 33 minutes to go... Then I'll post an announcement. Lots of little news items about 4.3beta2.
Tags: woof