Preparing for 431-final
October 16, 2009 —
I decided to go back to my Partview. I like what Ecube has done, but I personally want to be able to see the free space in all partitions, mounted or not. Ecube's script could be extended to do that. My script is rather slow, as it generates gif images for each partition.
I have applied clarf's bugfix so that my partview works properly in older kernels without libata drivers.
Forum member MinHundHettePerro reported the problem of icon-stacking when there are too many drive icons to fit horizontally on the screen. This will have to be tackled in a future Puppy. The appropriate script is /sbin/pup_event_frontend_d, function free_coord().
Zigbert has upgraded Pburn to 3.1.2-1, incorporating a fix from rerwin.
Zigbert has upgraded Pfind to 4.15-1, incorporating a fix from rerwin.
One thing that is disappointing is that there have been a lot of bug reports using the Network Wizard, but we currently don't have anyone maintaining it. This will need to be tackled for 4.4.
If I recall rightly, there have been two main problems: having to scan twice for a wireless network, and settings not (properly) remembered between boots.
To a lesser extent problems have been reported with Pnethood, and again it is not currently maintained.
modular isoUsername: SouthPaws1
Hey Barry, here's an interesting approach... to iso building.
package config
Username: Snickers
"Somehow in thrashing with the package manager configuration, I managed to get a list of available repos that is too long to display and still see the Add repo help, OK and Cancel buttons. It needs a scroll bar on the Choose repositories box. Temp work around was to remove some of the package lists from ~/.packages
WICD or NetworkManager
Username: cthisbear
"Barry: " If you've been missing WICD or NetworkManager, this pet is for you. Wpa_gui runs in the background and automatically connects you to any open wireless network it finds. Encrypted Network? No problem, just hit scan, double click your network, and enter the password. Choose file->save, and you'll be automatically connected whenever you're in range. " Regards........Chris.
PPM repo list
Username: BarryK
"Snickers, That was a bug in rc1, should have been fixed in rc2.
Username: Ecube
"Barry, A comment to "I decided to go back to my Partview." if you leave my tiny script in the system (as a non-default) people with some knowledge of Perl can have a go at improving it. A straightforward way of including free space for all partions would be to run your Partview silently at (re)start of X-server, use the /tmp/partview_used files for information about unmounted partitions and df to update the free space of mounted partitions. Regards, Olov
wireless problem
Username: prehistoric
"Barry, One wireless problem I've seen on the machine I'm using at the moment (Dell D610 with BCM5751 ethernet and Intel 2915ABG wireless) is that the identifiers for the interfaces can swap positions between boots, eth0 <--> eth1. I'm not entirely sure this is due to the network wizard forgetting anything. If I get the same assignment of interfaces, the wireless generally works.
Username: jim1911
"Consider going back to your old hack of partview, modified by TazOK for use in his LHP. It only shows mounted partitions, but is a nice graphic view. Partial code below: [code]#!/usr/bin/wish # hacked by Barry Kauler for Puppy Linux 2005 #2006, modified for puppy2. #2009-07 TazOC omit all /dev/loop and tmpfs. Show %used and cosmetic touches proc vlabel {w text var} { frame $w #BK label $w.label -width 6 -text $text -anchor e label $w.label -width 4 -text $text -anchor e #BK label $w.value -width 9 -text $var -anchor e label $w.value -width 10 -text $var -anchor e pack $w.label $w.value -side left return $w } proc gui_disk {w i} { global disk pack [frame $w -relief sunken -bd 3] frame $w.stat canvas $w.view -width 81 -height 51 pack $w.stat $w.view pack [vlabel $w.stat.cap 0 ""] pack [vlabel $w.stat.used "Used" -] pack [vlabel $ "Free" -] $w.view create arc 2 2 79 50 -fill black -start 0 -extent 359 set r [$w.view create arc 2 2 78 48] set b [$w.view create arc 2 2 78 48] set disk(c$i) "$w $r $b" return $w [/code]
Tags: woof