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Bones 0.1

December 20, 2009 — BarryK
Bones is getting a bit more meat on it, and I have now released version 0.1.

This is a PET package, available from here:

Thanks to ecube (Olov) who has contributed a helper-script,, Bones is now at the early stage of being able to examine differences between saves.

There is now a main GUI window, invoked by typing 'bones' at the prompt, so Bones is heading towards being highly GUI-fied. I have updated the web page with information:

Does anyone know an easy way to extract just one file out of a .tar.gz, without actually expanding the whole thing? I think Midnight Commander can do it, but I need something standalone for that one purpose only.


Username: MU
tar -xzvf archive.tgz path/filename (extract 1 file) to list the content of the archive only: tar -tf archive.tgz (short listing) tar -tvf archive.tgz (long listing) tar --help for more options. Mark

Extract single file from tar archive
Username: nibl
"I found this thread with more details:

Tags: bones