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December 05, 2009 — BarryK
This is also known as "InkLite" in the menu. Inkscapelite is a fork of Inkscape 0.36pre0, the last version to be written in C. After that, they rewrote it in C++ and also used GTKmm -- and my oh my did it ever jump up in size, especially if you linked the GTKmm libs statically.

Technosaurus and ttuuxxx were discussing Inkscapelite recently on the forum, in regard to its dependence on 'libgnomeprint' and 'libgnomeprintui'.

I have also taken those two libraries out of Quirky, so I wanted to recompile Inkscapelite either statically with those libs, or without -- Inkscapelite has a configure option '--without-gnome-print' which I chose -- the application can still print, but it is very basic.

The problem is, the only source package I can find is 'inkscapelite-0.36.2.tar.gz' but Puppy currently has version 0.36.3. Maybe I have it archived somewhere, but anyway I used the 0.36.2 source and compiled that -- one file needed a small hack to get it to compile, so perhaps that is what was done before when I created 0.36.3. So I decided that I might as well name this as version 0.36.3 and I have uploaded it here:

If anyone has that original 0.36.3 source, I would like to see it, find out if I did anything else.


inkscapelite 036.3 source
Username: ttuuxxx
Here ya go I upload it to forum I had to repackage it as tar.bz2 because tar.gz was just over the forums limit. :) ttuuxxx

inkscape lite
Username: ttuuxxx
"Hi Barry also this guy made a new lite version a year or so ago, but never released anything grrrrrr would be nice if some else would finish it. made a lot of people hopeful ttuuxxx

Re: inkscapelite 0.36.3
Username: BarryK
"ttuuxxx, Thanks for that. When I searched with google, it showed up as being on one of Eric's sites, but the url was no longer valid. So you've saved me from having to hunt through piles of old DVDs.

Tags: quirky