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Universal Installer improved

December 11, 2009 — BarryK
I reported earlier today about shinobar's GRUB4DOS package:

I have made this the default in Quirky, removed GRUB.

I have modified the Universal Installer, /usr/sbin/puppyinstaller, in Woof. It now supports both GRUB and GRUB4DOS, and I made a couple of simplifications as well.


USB install from ISO
Username: Raffy
Grub4DOS included - hey, that's excellent. In my experience, it failed only once, in a new Toshiba laptop. Will there be drive type/size limits there? FYI, Abhay has contributed a script for USB install from ISO [url=]here.

GRUB4DOS PET package
Username: BarryK
"I have uploaded shinobar's package here: I made one little modification -- a '' script that looks to see if GRUB is installed, if not then removes the GRUB .desktop file (which is in Woof, not in the GRUB package).

Username: 8-bit
"A while back, you said you were trying to make Quirky a one file OS. I noticed the test release had all of the same files as any regular Puppy release. So what happened to the 1 file Quirky OS? I am Just curious.

Username: BarryK
"Quirky 001 has a "quirkiness factor" of one. The quirkiness factor is how many quirks get applied in the build. It will vary with each release. The idea of one file still has some issues -- the Universal Installer for example looks for more files and will get upset if all there is is just a kernel -- and I haven't even named that 'vmlinuz'. Which reminds me, I have just written that down in my to-do list: fix Uni Installer when only one file. Ditto for remaster script... but that one is more complicated.

Decompress first
Username: Raffy
"If "one file quirky" means that pup-xxx.sfs is inside it, the single file can be decompressed and remaster applied to the pup-xxx.sfs in the usual way. Then the single file can be rebuilt. (Of course, in the future, there will only be one file - thanks a lot there, Barry!). I guess a two-file quirly will be as excellent as one-file, as most net booting procedures load the kernel first before the initrd image.

Tags: woof