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ntfs-3g 2010.1.16

April 05, 2010 — BarryK
The last few releases of Quirky have ntfs-3g (the NTFS driver) version 2009.11.14. However, this has a bug that can cause it to crash.

The latest version is 2010.3.6, however I can't compile that with uClibc. I need to compile it statically, as it has to go into the initramfs. The 'ntfs-3g' executable is a fuse driver, not a kernel module. That is, it is a normal executable that interacts with the kernel via the 'fuse.ko' kernel module.

I examined the changelog, and 2010.3.6 has some strange timezone stuff, which causes the compile failure. There is however a release prior, 2010.1.16, which fixes the crashing bug in 2009.11.14.

The ntfs-3g website does not have a link to the previous source, but this is how to get it:

The download page for ntfs-3g:

Version 2010.1.16 compiles in uClibc. I have created a PET package that will be uploaded to later. It has also gone into the initramfs in Woof.

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