Pnethood versus lameSMBxplorer
April 28, 2010 —
For those who say that Pnethood works for them, lameSMBxplorer doesn't, or vice-versa, I have put both into Quirky/Wary.
The Pnethood package by HairyWill is '' and has a bugfix provided by shinobar awhile back. Forum thread:
Oh yeah, here is shinobar's patch that I applied:
lameSMBxplorer by Patriot:
...note that I have not included the "addon" package 'lameSMBqmount'.
After playing with both, maybe the Samba-user guys can decide which one is best, or at least which should be developed into the future.
samba pie binariesUsername: technosaurus
I recompiled Samba not too long ago and noticed issues similar to git (compiling several binaries against included static libraries) except Samba is much worse - it defaults to a position independent executable which makes it even larger. Since we are only using a select few of the binaries, my hack to use shared libraries didn't make a big difference overall, but compiling non-PIE with -fdata-sections -ffunction-sections -Wl,--gc-sections nearly cut the size in half without any other modifications. I posted the binaries at the lameSMB thread"28 Apr 2010, 24:04"01544"'
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