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Woof uploaded, May 5, 2010

May 05, 2010 — BarryK
This is the Woof version used to build Quirky 1.0.

Woof info:


Username: Iguleder
Found more fixes for Woof for the Quirky/Wary thing. Needed 2 links - Packages-t2-8.0rcXorg7.3-official -> Packages-t2-8.0rc-official packages-bz2-8.0rcXorg7.3 -> packages-bz2-8.0rc It thinks that Wary has its own repo, "Packages-t2-8.0rcXorg7.3-official", instead of just "Packages-t2-8.0rc-official"."6 May 2010, 23:54"01560"'Wary repo"BarryK"Wary does have its own repo Packages-t2-8.0rcXorg7.3-official, different from Packages-t2-8.0rc-official. Username: 7 May 2010, 7:54

Tags: woof