Pprocess, Precord
July 09, 2010 —
I have upgraded these two PETs.
Pprocess 2.1.1 (zigbert)
Precord 6.1.2 (mcewanw)
Load SFS from psubdirUsername: Iguleder
Barry, here's some change in Woof that I'm sure many people would appreciate. If you consider it useful, I'd like to see it in Woof. http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=433033#433033 Lets you load SFSs from psubdir if you have it specified, great for people that use multiple frugal puppies and don't like the mess. Thank you!"9 Jul 2010, 22:45"01714"'Re psubdir"BarryK"The solution can be simpler, insert just one line: [i] SFSSDIR="$SMNTPT" [ "$PSUBDIR" ] && SFSSDIR="${SMNTPT}/${PSUBDIR}" #100710[/i] The Boot Manager also needs to be fixed. I will post about a total solution. Username: 10 Jul 2010, 9:20
Tags: woof