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Printing images

September 24, 2010 — BarryK
Forum member 'darkcity' made a very simple but extremely useful configuration change to mtPaint, for printing of images.

mtPaint can print, but it is primitive, just runs 'lpr %F' -- which will print to the default printer.

However, darkcity changed that the 'gtklp %F' and voila, a nice printing dialog.

I have put this into the mtPaint template in Woof.

I have also recompiled mtPaint for the upcoming Wary (cos it is always broken when compiled in T2) and I put /root/.mtpaint in the PET with the above printing change.


Is good
Username: ozsouth
I had been using Xv due to its ability to adjust printing, but it doesn't work well in wide screens. The mtpaint fix works well in Pup 421 & Quirky 1.2 tests.

Tags: woof