My first GTK BaCon application
November 15, 2010 —
I have written a proxy management GUI, and knocked up a bit of a tutorial:
The main BaCon page:
I will upload the binary executable to the forum.
EDIT: Have done so:
thanksproject 2?
Username: Jemimah
"If you're looking for an idea for a second project, we could use a standalone ndiswrapper setup wizard that's not integrated with dougal's network wizard. I'll probably get around to this myself eventually.
SeaMonkey and proxy
Username: BarryK
"Ha ha, I booted up this morning and SM could not connect. I looked in Preferences -> Advanced -> Proxies and found it is set to "Use system proxy settings" -- looks like it was trying to use the bogus proxy URL that I had created in /etc/profile.d/http_proxy! I changed to "Direct connection to Internet", restarted SM and all was well.
Tags: puppy