PPM improved
November 30, 2010 —
I have made some significant improvements to the Puppy Package Manager:
1. EXE/DEV/DOC/NLS checkboxes
2. Help page
3. Search fixes
Snapshot of main window:
Notice the Help button. It will bring up this help page:
This is in Woof, but I could make the relevant files into a tarball if anyone wants this!
ppm helpUsername: aragon2
in my opinion it would be better to include the page in the iso and link locally. aragon
Username: Sage
"Appreciate some guidance, however vague, about Wary release timeline(s) as have a number of machines to maintain for which this is the best option. Ta.
Nice improvement
Username: bigpup
"Nice improvements! Help was very much needed for newbies. I agree, help should be in the iso and link locally.
Installed packages pane size
Username: gjuhasz
"Is it possible ti adjust the size of Installed packages pane to the PPM window size? Actually, its height is fixed.
PPM help is local
Username: BarryK
"Guys, Sorry, I didn't explain that. The help is actually local. At /usr/local/petget/help.htm. I only uploaded it for announcement purposes.
PPM upgrade files
Username: BarryK
"I posted the latest PPM files here: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=472612#472612
Size matters
Username: Sage
""Snapshot of main window: " The sizing of this item causes the entire blog to spill over substantially on my 15" lcd monitor (running 800x600). Probably unreadable for those with even worse eyesight using 640x480?
Username: Iguleder
"Barry, here's something useful for Wary - could save some RAM. I found volumeicon some time ago and hacked it but it was kinda messy so I abandoned it, but today I found some spare time and hacked it so the whole package is just two files (plus a /root/Startup symlink) - I disabled themes, removed all graphics and changed the default settings. http://brainwavedesigncentral.net/dima/insidious-001/sources/volumeicon-0.2.1-patched1 Now I use it with a simple template I made for gnome-alsamixer (PLUSEXTRADIRS, a .desktop file and /usr/local/bin/defaultaudiomixer). Great combo!
Getting back to PPM...
Username: PaulBx1
"Barry, this has the problem that the radiobutton for the repo that appears selected after first invoking PPM, is not the same repo as is being displayed in the package list (as I mentioned on the forum). I was fooling around with the code and found that on those places where you create the repo radiobuttons (4 places), if you change <radiobutton> to <radiobutton active="true">, then the selected radiobutton is in sync with the displayed package list. I had a theory why this was working, but tried re-ordering the radiobuttons and still ended up with puppy-lucid selected; so I don't know. In either case however, the repo selected jived with the packages displayed, which is the main thing. Strangely, when I tried using that same 'active="true"' on one of the radiobuttons for the categories, PPM failed to start. So there may be more to it... I also tried to figure out why the installed packages list could stretch (on widening the window), but not the "available" packages list. No luck there. The documentation on gtkdialog is awful, or at least I couldn't find much on the Internet beyond examples. No reference manual to speak of.
PPM search still has problems
Username: PaulBx1
"Found another search problem. If I go to the .packages directory, and grep for openvpn, this is what I get: [code]# grep -i ^openvpn Packages* Packages-ubuntu-lucid-main:openvpn_2.1.0... Packages-ubuntu-lucid-main:openvpn-blacklist_0.4... Packages-ubuntu-lucid-universe:openvpn-auth-ldap_2.0.3-1...[/code] And sure enough, if I select ubuntu-lucid-main in PPM and search for openvpn I see the packages openvpn_2.1.0 and openvpn-blacklist_0.4; and if I select ubuntu-lucid-universe and search I see openvpn-auth-ldap_2.0.3-1. The problem is, if I select either of the two other repos, I still see openvpn_2.1.0 and openvpn-blacklist_0.4, when I shouldn't find anything!
Tags: woof