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Quirky 1.4 released

November 27, 2010 — BarryK
Yes, this is an official public release! Short announcement:

The main purpose of releasing Quirky 1.4 is to test my experimental simplified module loading and interface configuration boot scripts (codename 'zzz').
This is supposed to improve the detection and setup of sound, analog modems and 3G modems, and maybe more peripherals. Note, this complements the considerable earlier and ongoing development by Richard Erwin.

1.4 differs from 1.3 in that it is built from the Wary5 PET packages, of which the main feature is Xorg 7.3. Also an older kernel is used, and the live-CD includes the complete collection of analog modem drivers as used in Wary, plus SCSI drivers. Thus, 1.4 will behave almost the same as Wary except for the 'zzz' component.

There are some new features in Woof that are debuting here for testing. In particular, a "heavy duty" file downloader backend for the Puppy Package Manager and Video Upgrade Wizard (for now), which should fix any problems with downloading packages.

Something new in Wary that has not yet been officially released, so is also being debuted in 1.4, is support for developing BaCon BASIC programs.

Another thing inherited from Wary is the excellent multimedia support. For details on the applications in the as-yet-unreleased Wary, read my blog

Full announcement and release notes:

Live-CD ISO file (123.7MB):
md5sum: 87ed57f47fd3f782f9897cc2d3a3bcee

'devx' C/C++/Vala/Genie/BaCon compiling support SFS file (100.2MB):
md5sum: 4adce6f0cda46d42309c1dba42871c26

What is Quirky all about? Read my Quirky intro:


Quirky forum feedback
Username: BarryK
I started a feedback thread on the Puppy Forum for Quirky 1.4:

Quirky 1.3-packages
Username: BarryK
"If there is sufficient interest, I might build another Quirky 1.4 with the same package-base as used for 1.3 (and earlier). This has 7.5. Also I will build it with a later kernel. The main feature that will distinguish it from 1.3 will be the 'zzz' package, plus of course later Woof.

Re: zzz
Username: mugggins
"barry, is your 12d1:140c usb modem detected straight away by quirky-1.4? I needed to first modprobe option to get pupdial to see it. Also quirky not seeing my ALC262 sound.

Re E160E modem
Username: BarryK
"muggins, did you have it plugged in at bootup? If so, try hot-plugging it (plug in after bootup). I always got 'option' module to auto-load when hot-plug.

Tags: quirky