Viewnior 1.0
November 12, 2010 —
Zigbert has been testing Wary 096 and reported this:
Viewnior doesn't accept filenames with non-english chars as ÆØÅ. Puppy uses Viewnior 0.6 while 1.0 is released. I don't know if this would help us non-english humans. I install gpicview which works perfectly.
Yes, most Woof-built puppies have been using Viewnior 0.6, which was compiled way back in Puppy 4.3. Wary included.
I have compiled Viewnior 1.0, and tested by renaming an image with those same characters that zigbert has given as the example, and Viewnior opens the file ok.
This new Viewnior PET will be used in all future Woof-built puppies.
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