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Jimtcl missing from Wary 5.1

February 22, 2011 — BarryK
Aaaaargh! Somehow I left out Jimtcl. This is a PET package needed if you want to use a 3G modem.

Wary 5.1 users, please install this PET:

Looks like there is going to have to be another bugfix release soon.


another bugfix...soon
Username: Sage
In that event, please can you arrange for the cursor to be "always on top" w.h.y., as per previous discussion. Thank you.

bug fix update
Username: bigpup
"In Lucid 5.2 they have been doing bug fixes by making what is called an instant update pet package. It has all the latest bug fixed programs. You download the pet and install. It updates just what is needed. Example at Lucid Puppy News:

Username: Sage
"MYOB, roto, or better still, improve your reading and comprehension skills. Apart from BK being quite able to register any ire for himself, he has the ultimate sanction on his own blog. Being a reasonable fellow, however, he, and derivative developers, constantly asks for testers to report bugs. This is why Puppy is so powerful and has such a good reputation. Academics understand the power of constructive discussion and argument which (mostly) occurs without rancour. Distros with ignorami running their fora/blogs invariably get bad reports and their work, errr, ignored; their offerings ultimately fail. Fortunately, Puppy, by contrast, is surrounded by enlightened folk able to take on board all shades of help and, indeed, criticism. But, take note, for my part, I do not criticise developers only people like you, roto.

Re cursor always on top
Username: BarryK
"Sage, I do not know what your problem is with PPM. Yes, with broomdodger's problem, not closing the red dialog window does render the main PPM window inoperable. In that case the cursor would disappear. I don't know of any other situation that causes the cursor to disappear.

Re cursor always on top
Username: Sage
"Yes, that's exactly it. I tried to give you a fuller explanation this morning/evening:

Tags: wary