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SeaMonkey 2.0.13 full suite

March 28, 2011 — BarryK
Yesterday I compiled SeaMonkey 2.0.13 in Quirky, without the Mail&News component. I also compiled Sylpheed to provide a substitute Mail&News application.

Today I have compiled SeaMonkey 2.0.13 with the Mail&News component. The sizes of the PET packages is very interesting:

SeaMonkey no Mail&News: 9.4MB
Sylpheed: 0.6MB
SeeMonkey full suite: 11.1MB

So, we can save 1.1MB off the live-CD by using the first two. SeaMonkey has to be configured to recognise Sylpheed as an external mail handler. I haven't put that into the SM PET package, as I think it might be different from when we did this before, with the SM 1.x series. Well, we can sort out this detail when I upload the next Quirky.

Admittedly, the full SM Mail&News is superior to Sylpheed, as it is tightly integrated with the browser, and has superior filtering. There is an extra filtering package that can be installed to bolster Sylpheed.
However, I am really not so concerned about a Mail&News application these days, as I personally use online mail and news. I suspect that these days most others do also. So, I will go for saving space, and not choose the full SM suite.

I fixed something in the SM-without-Mail&News PET and re-uploaded it. Here they are:

And the full suite:

These PETs are usable in Quirky, Wary and probably Luci.


Not everyone uses web mail

Compiling in Wary5
Username: mave
"Hi Barry, treid ti compile in Wary5 end got [code]/usr/lib/gcc/i486-t2-linux-gnu/4.3.4/../../../../i486-t2-linux-gnu/bin/ld: cannot find -lxpcom collect2: ld returned 1 exit status make[8]: *** [] Error 1 make[8]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release/mozilla/xpfe/components/autocomplete/src' make[7]: *** [libs] Error 2 make[7]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release/mozilla/xpfe/components/autocomplete' make[6]: *** [libs] Error 2 make[6]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release/mozilla/xpfe/components' make[5]: *** [libs] Error 2 make[5]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release/mozilla/xpfe' make[4]: *** [libs_tier_toolkit] Error 2 make[4]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release/mozilla' make[3]: *** [tier_toolkit] Error 2 make[3]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release/mozilla' make[2]: *** [default] Error 2 make[2]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release/mozilla' make[1]: *** [default] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/initrd/mnt/dev_save/puppyDATA/puppy-system/apps/browser/seamonkey/comm-1.9.1/objdir-sm-release' make: *** [build] Error 2[/code] ...took your .mozconfig from your post on 31 Oct 2010... did you made changes? mave

sqlite for lupu
Username: playdayz
" ttuuxxx discovered this this sqlite makes Barry's SM 2.0.13 run in Lupu-521 RC.

My .mozconfig
Username: BarryK
"[code]mk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/objdir-sm-release mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=suite ac_add_options --enable-application=suite ac_add_options --enable-system-hunspell ac_add_options --localstatedir=/var ac_add_options --sysconfdir=/etc ac_add_options --prefix=/usr ac_add_options --host=i486-t2-linux-gnu ac_add_options --disable-dbus ac_add_options --disable-accessibility ac_add_options --with-system-bz2 ac_add_options --disable-updater ac_add_options --disable-parental-controls ac_add_options --enable-places ac_add_options --disable-gnomevfs ac_add_options --disable-gnomeui ac_add_options --enable-system-sqlite ac_add_options --enable-system-cairo ac_add_options --enable-install-strip ac_add_options --with-system-jpeg ac_add_options --with-system-zlib ac_add_options --enable-static ac_add_options --enable-storage ac_add_options --disable-tests ac_add_options --with-default-mozilla-five-home=/usr/lib/seamonkey ac_add_options --disable-jsd ac_add_options --enable-default-toolkit=cairo-gtk2 ac_add_options --enable-chrome-format=flat ac_add_options --enable-strip ac_add_options --disable-logging ac_add_options --disable-debug ac_add_options --disable-ldap ac_add_options --disable-mailnews[/code] ...change to --enable-mailnews if required.

SM and Sqlite
Username: BarryK
"Check that you also have cairo >= 1.8.8 in Luci. Yes, each new SM wants a later version of Sqlite. SM 2.1 series bumps the requirement yet again. That's if you compile against system sqlite library rather than inbuilt.

Seamonkey Unique Selling Point
Username: ICPUG
"The unique selling point (USP) of Seamonkey was its integrated e-mail, news (and HTML composing) client. Now you have removed its USP then there is no argument for it in the browser wars discussion. Let slip the fanbois of Opera, Firefox, Dillo, Midori, ... I appreciate you are still supporting e-mail client with Sylpheed - although you admit it is not as good as full Seamonkey. I make the following comments regarding web mail v. e-mail client for information. When I was on dial-up I found web mail far less useful than an e-mail client where I could compose mail offline and send and get my mail quickly. Just because I am not on dial-up any more I do not forget those who are. Another argument for an e-mail client is that I do not like web mail providers having the ability to mine my e-mails and, more importantly, those from my respondents. Even if I don't care about my privacy I do care about those of my respondents. Of course, this is not reciprocated. How do I deal with web mailers that respond to me, especially if they use g-mail? Do I just ignore them? Use of web-mail is another step on the road to satisfying the lowest common denominator. I don't know the answer to this conundrum. I can take as many steps as I like to protect my privacy but I cannot stop web mailers or facebook users, ... from splurging my info where I don't want it splurged.

Username: BarryK
"ICPUG, Well, it still has Composer, that is a USP. SM can be configured so that click on a mail link will open Sylpheed. Many people have commented in the past that they like Sylpheed. But, I don't have much info on majority opinion on Sylpheed versus SM Mail&News. Yes, it is true that if you want the full SM, just install the PET and it will overwrite the current one, so you will then have Mail&News. Well, I'll give the cutdown SM a go in Quirky 1.5, and get feedback on it's merits or otherwise.

SM contributions
Username: GCMartin
"Barry I agree with your original integration with SM. Its the right thing for a simple browser with the USP mentioned; not because they are "selling points" but because of its integration. Email break-out, if that's your intent, ought to be just that "email break-out"; then leave it to the distro user to select whatever email client he chooses as opposed to shoving Sylpheed at the community. In fact, offering several email clients to the user just as we offer several browsers to the user [u][b]may[/b][/u] be a more tactful approach to help the user community. I would hope that browser selection is based upon requirement as opposed to fashion...but we are all human. Netscape, then Mozilla, to SeaMonkey has tradition, functionality, speed, service, security and most of all stability. If you still feel its important, run with it. But, SeaMonkey (full version) will NOT be as misunderstood as "2" SeaMonkeys will. (And the community will not need to spend time in resolution or argument) I do welcome the work in upgrading as you have done. I have been waiting for this as for some reason, I could not get my WARY to upgrade. Your PET has address that. (Thanks!) These are simply some ideas to consider. Hope this helps

SM contributions
Username: GCMartin
"Barry, is it explained somewhere the mission of SM..._DEV...PET files are. Just curious on how and when to use them. Thanks in advance.

SM contributions
Username: GCMartin
"I know you don't intend to make this addition confusing to us, but, it has already taken its toll. For example, Shinobar believes you are [b]ONLY[/b] producing a non-mail SeaMonkey (probably because of your title). You may want to begin to take some steps to insure everyone understands: V2.0.13 that you have and the upcoming 2.1 which is coming in a couple days. Hope this helps

Quirky is experimental
Username: BarryK
"I have to remind what Quirky is -- an experimental distro, to try out various new ideas.

Tags: quirky