Pburn 3.3.4
April 09, 2011 —
I have upgraded to zigbert's latest optical media burner:
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Blu Ray multi-sessionUsername: ted dog
I've put off getting a Blu-Ray player/burner until now. Has there been any testing of a multisession BluRay. 25G storage would be awesome. Hope the U.S. Senate gets its act together and pass a funding bill so the IRS will cut our tax refunds, that is the money source for this upgraded
utf-8 on lupu-525
Username: charlie6
"Hi Barry, I am a bit puzzled about this: on lupu-525 Personalize settings recommends to check the 'utf-8 encoding' checkbox on lupu-525. To get the french-belgium translation of all desktop menus and applications desktop menus, I have to: - install shinbar's lang_pack-0.2-fr.pet + don570 Francais-right-click-4.x.pet - and set locale settings to fr_BE (I used to choose fr_BE@euro on earlier puppies;... don't know why...?); - left the utf-8 checkbox unchecked (although 'recommended') - and then reboot. Otherwise some menus stays in english. I am worrying about setup with utf-8 unchecked for rendering of accentuated characters in text processing documents sent to relatives: do they get correct rendering? Thanks Charlie
Re UTF-8
Username: BarryK
"Charlie, I don't know. You will have to find out. If in doubt, enable UTF-8.
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