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SFSget: SFS downloader

April 02, 2011 — BarryK
I have written a script, /usr/sbin/sfsget, for downloading SFS files, for all Woof-built puppies.

sfsget is very intelligent. If you execute it without any parameters then it looks in the appropriate places in the Internet host sites, appropriate to the flavour of Puppy (Quirky, Wary, FatDog, Luci, etc) and version, and offers a list of SFSs to choose from.

If sfsget is executed with name of a SFS file as commandline parameter, for example "sfsget devx-141.sfs", the file is found online. The script looks for the file in appropriate places.

It is also acceptable to specify a subdirectory, for example "sfsget sfs_files/devx.sfs".

A dialog window also offers to download from a mirror site of

The SFS file is downloaded to the correct partition and the Boot Manager launched.

I wrote sfsget as I wanted a backend script for downloading the 'zdrv' SFS file in the upcoming baby-Quirky 1.5. Of course 'sfsget' will be in this Quirky for testing, also in the next upload of Woof.


Adding Program Packages to PUPs
Username: GCMartin
Thanks Barry. Will we still use PPM for PETs or will there be a PETGET as a companion to this?

Re Woof upload
Username: BarryK
"Uploads of Woof are always announced on this blog.

re sfsget
Username: BarryK
"Ok: goes into /usr/sbin.

Username: L18L
"improved version available

Tags: woof