BlueGriffon web page editor
July 07, 2011 —
I have compiled BlueGriffon 1.0, a web-page editor based on Mozilla code. I used the Firefox 4.0.1 source and the BlueGriffon 1.0 patch.
I had hoped that I might be able to get Firefox and BlueGriffon to work together, sharing many common files, but that isn't so simple.
I compiled in Wary 5.1.2. I did install my libpng with animation PET, however the Firefox/BlueGriffon configure complained that is not suitable, so BlueGriffon is using internal libpng still.
Download the PET (14.9MB):
Here is the BlueGriffon home page:
Seamonkey 2.1Username: Jota
For a combo mail/editor/browser nothing beats Seamonkey 2.1! (although it has some memory and cpu usage problems with javascript in some sites... ;-))
Tags: wary