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Desktop drive icon, session entire partition

July 20, 2011 — BarryK
When I was recently playing with the Edubook, with session saved to entire partition, which in my case is /dev/sda2, I noticed a problem.

When a user clicks on the desktop "sda2" drive icon, Rox opens at /initrd/pup_rw.

This is bad. Users should not be opening a Rox window at a layer inside the aufs. The layers look like this:

/initrd/pup_rw <<<partition sda2, session
/initrd/pup_ro2 <<<main puppy .sfs
/initrd/pup_ro4 <<<devx .sfs, if loaded.

It will likely cause great confusion to most users when they click the "sda2" icon and Rox opens with contents that look like that at "/" but not quite, less directories/files.

Besides that, users should not be reading/writing directly in the aufs layers.

So, I have modified /usr/local/bin/drives_all (which gets copied into /root/.pup_event/drive_sda2 etc.) and /usr/sbin/pmount, to open "sda" at "/".

This will apply to any mount point /initrd/pup_*.


can users cause problems by going into pup_rw, or is it just confusing?
Username: disciple
> Besides that, users should not be reading/writing directly in the aufs layers. What will happen if they do? If a user wants a file in the main puppy filesystem to be read-only [i]for root[/i] I believe the only way is to go into /initrd/pup_rw to set the sticky bit.

re /initrd/pup_rw
Username: BarryK
"disciple, Nothing stops you from opening Rox and going anywhere inside /initrd. Writing a file directly in a layer of aufs, it does not mean it will appear immediately "on top". The way the layers are setup, in some cases it will, in cases not and require a reboot. You can navigate deliberately into /initrd, but having an icon on the desktop that does so is inappropriate. Most users will not understand the layers anyway. mavrothal, I am modifying Woof all the time, offline, I don't want to be making special patches for when just one thing is done. The next Woof will be uploaded soon.

Username: disciple
"> You can navigate deliberately into /initrd, but having an icon on the desktop that does so is inappropriate. Yes, I fully agree, thanks for clarifying :)

SDcard issues
Username: mavrothal
"Tried you derive_all and pmount from the latest woof, booting from an SDcard and saving to the entire card partition. Clicking on the mmcblk0p1 icon on the desktop I get: "/dev/mmcblk0p1 mounted on /mnt/pup_rw is in use by Puppy. You can not mount it." OKeying the warning and clicking the icon again opens it, and is mounted at "/". This is not happening all the time and some time the second click results in a warning, while other opens from the first click. Any suggestions? Thx

Tags: woof