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Pnethood 0.6.8

August 05, 2011 — BarryK
It is great to see Pnethood continue to be developed. Thanks to clarf for doing this. It was HairyWill who originally wrote Pnethood, but he moved on, and clarf took it on-board.

Early in 2010, Patriot developed an alternative, lameSMBxplorer, which I think was supposed to become the successor to Pnethood:

However, the last post to that thread from Patriot was in August 2010.

Wary 5.1.2 has Pnethood, and this latest version is targeted for the next Wary. I will upload the PET to the 'common' repo soon.

Read about Pnethood here:


Username: disciple
> However, the last post to that thread from Patriot was in August 2010. That doesn't mean it is abandoned or anything though... are there problems with it? I must confess, I do prefer the Pnethood gui, and the main problem with it was due to a gtkdialog limitation which thunor has now removed :)

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