Wary plans
August 05, 2011 —
For those wondering about the next Wary, I plan to release a beta of 5.1.3 in a couple of days.
Wary 5.2 will have many more package upgrades, and that is a bit further away.
There have been many improvements to Woof since the last upload, so I intend to upload Woof in a couple of days also.
PinboardUsername: Iguleder1
Barry, can you move the code that starts the pinboard to /root/Startup? This could make it much easier to disable it and build puplets without desktop icons (e.g PekWM, Fluxbox, E16/17 ones).
Fising hottname in PUPs
Username: GCMartin
"Barry, @01Micko presents [url=http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=550932#550932][b]this for consideration[/b][/url]. Maybe a good thing for all of us. Hopet his helps
Tags: wary