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Woof uploaded, August 15, 2011

August 15, 2011 — BarryK
This upload is commit '20110815093119'.

The previous upload was on August 13:

There have been some small but useful improvements since August 13, hence this upload.


Username: pemasu
Thank you of fixing the common repo. I think I found one problem in specs. Latest gtkdialog and it DOC does not pair. Also the DOC has different version 174 is specs than in name 175. The distro spesification attributes at the end of specs in DOC also needed emptying for me. I recreated the pet, added its specs to the common database and it processed fine. I have also problems with latest woof. Probably due to my corrupted download. Anyway dir2pet and 2createpackages complains about command not found in one row, when I checked the row, there was grep command at that row. Both commands did what they should still. I dont remember the lines of those scripts which it complained. I will create another Dpup atm and if it is bugged, I redownload the stuff. , Just mentioned, because you have changed the busybox and mentioned grep in your blog.

gtkdialog DOC
Username: BarryK
"pemasu, No, I have not changed grep, I only changed it in the initrd. I rolled busybox back and reintroduced full grep in the initrd. Yes, I know about that problem with gtkdialog_DOC. The 'doc>dev' in the gtkdialog3 entry in variable PKGS_SPECS_TABLE is not working as intended. I will look at that soon.

Tags: woof