ePDFView 0.1.8 crashes in Wary/Racy
September 22, 2011 —
Testing in both Wary and Racy 5.1.99, ePDFView 0.1.8 crashes if try to print.
I recompiled poppler 0.16.7 and ePDFView, no difference. I rolled ePDFView back to version 0.1.7, now printing works.
I looked at the ePDFView changelog:
...I see that support for poppler >= 0.15 is added. So, the older ePDFView is working ok with poppler 0.16.7, presumably just not using it's newer features. Which should be fine, as long as they haven't changed the API in poppler.
I'll leave it at that, ePDFView 0.1.7 and poppler 0.16.7. If there is any trouble, I can roll poppler back also.
Rolled poppler backUsername: BarryK
I decided to roll poppler back also. I have compiled version 0.14.5.
Tags: wary