Sys-info 0.6
September 27, 2011 —
Tazoc is the creator of a Puppy derivative named Lighthouse Puppy. Read more here:
Tazoc has also created a PET named 'sys-info', that reports on all of the hardware in a computer. This is very handy when someone reports a bug, and instead of the developer having to ask one question after another about what hardware the person is running Puppy on, sys-info provides it all in one hit. See Forum thread:
I have uploaded the PET to the Puppy 'common' repo, for all Woof-built puppies to use. Note, I had to modify the '' script slightly, to suit installation of the PET in the Woof build environment (that is, not in a running Puppy) (44KB):
This will be in the next Wary and Racy.
Sys-InfoUsername: GCMartin
Thanks Barry. This should allow everyone to produce common information back to distro developers and supporters. I agree that there's a need for a common report tool like this in all PUPs for behavioral reporting. And there other useful uses of a tool like this as well.
Username: TaZoC
"I have updated sys-info to 0.9 and report-video-glx to 0.8. sys-info report-video-glx Regards, TaZoC
Tags: puppy