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BaCon highlighting in Geany

October 10, 2011 — BarryK
Forum member big_bass has done some ground-breaking work to get BaCon syntax highlighting in Geany.
This is highly relevant for Wary/Racy as I have taken out Nicoedit and gtksourceview -- the only builtin text editors are now Geany and Leafpad.

big_bass has posted about it here:

It is a hack, as the Freebasic highlighting has to be chosen in Geany. There is a modification that is supposed to make that automatic, but that doesn't work for me. Not all BaCon keywords are highlighted. Anyway, this is a very good start, and I have put big_bass's files into a PET (3KB):

This PET is not necessarily suited to all Geany installations, as it overwrites /usr/share/geany/filetype_extensions.conf.


BaCon Geany 1.4
Username: BarryK
I upgraded to big_bass's latest, 1.4: This is included in Wary Puppy 5.2 final.

Tags: puppy