Racy progress report
October 15, 2011 —
Racy is now getting his turn...
I have compiled the 3.0.4 kernel. Some scripts in Woof need to be fixed for a 3.x kernel, so far I have fixed 3builddistro support/findpkgs, and rootfs-skeleton/usr/sbin/bootmanager.
Shinobar recently reported a problem with Aufs when booting from USB drive and installing a PET. This coincided with an announcement of a new version of Unionfs. We have tried Unionfs many times in the past, and have had problems, and ended up going back to Aufs. But, I decided to give Unionfs another go. This 3.0.4 kernel is using Unionfs.
I have done a frugal install of Racy built with 3.0.4 kernel and Unionfs. Running it now, so far so good!
Next thing to do is modify /usr/sbin/snapmergepuppy to work optimally with Unionfs, then I will test booting off a USB Flash drive. Fun!
Printing BorkedUsername: DaveS
I am really looking forward to this as Racy is the best performing Puppy EVER on my laptop, but could you please fix printing? Same problem with Wary final.http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=573210#573210 These are the first Puppies ever from which I cannot print.
Re Printing borked
Username: BarryK
"DaveS, Actually, /usr/lib/cups/filter/pdftops is a symlink that I put in after discussion with rcrsn51. Could you try two things: 1. delete that symlink. Then try printing. 2. replace the symlink with the actual file, that is, copy it from /usr/bin/pdftops. Then try printing again.
Other scripts for 3.0.x
Username: mories
"Very interesting to move to this new version of the kernel. rodin.s indicates other scripts that need to be modified http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=566116&search_id=706108910#566116. Should also review the new settings for some modules. eg. ath9k http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=572367&search_id=2059759794#572367
Username: BarryK
"Thanks, I have fixed /usr/sbin/filemnt.
Username: 01micko
"Barry Can you please post the new script? (or a diff will do) I'll whack it in Slacko.
Tags: puppy