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Slacko RC is out

October 08, 2011 — BarryK
01micko has announced that The Release Candidate for Slacko is available. Slacko is an "spup", that is, built from Slackware binary packages (with lots more PETs compiled especially for Slacko).

Testers welcome! last chance to report a bug!


ROX-Filer is ... alive!
Username: Iguleder1
ROX-Filer is alive again! Hurray!

Username: linuxcbon
"I don't have time to test all versions. By the way, kernel stable is now 3.0.4. 2.6.32 is old and analog modem not used anymore (yes I know my opinion). Can you also compile modules outside kernel not inside ? (usb timing bug again ?)

Tags: puppy