Wary Puppy 5.1.106 (5.2beta2)
October 12, 2011 —
This seems pretty good to me, was tempted to call it an RC. But, you never know what you tester guys will discover -- and I have just been thinking recently how much I appreciate the effort you guys put in, testing one alpha/beta after another. With so much parallel development going on, you must sometimes think, "oh no, not another one!"
Well, this one should be an interesting variant, as it has PupCamera. I would like to find out if this works with cameras other than my own! If your digital camera has a USB cable, plug it in (after Wary has booted), find out if, firstly, it gets automatically detected, and secondly, can PupCamera access the photos.
...in case PupCamera does not automatically popup, you will find it in the Graphic menu.
The build also has the 'usbutils' package, which includes the 'lsusb' utility and 'usb.ids' chip database. I have finally succumbed to putting this in. PupCamera uses it (if present) to display extra information.
Numerous bugfixes, some packages upgraded since the last Wary (5.1.103, 5.2beta1).
Slow down
There's a lot of stuff pending. My mind is full of thoughts about what I would like to do to keep on improving Puppy. Like automatically detect when you plug in a printer for example. Then there's some interesting bootup internationalisation work that L18L is doing. And so on... however, I want to get Wary to 5.2final soon, probably also get Racy to release status, so will put a go-slow on changes/improvements for now, unless they are essential bugfixes.
This Wary has yet another theme:
Wallpaper: puppy_lights_blue2_dejan555.jpg
Desk icon set: LaGaBluenight
JWM: DeepBlueBold
GTK: FlatBlueContrast
ROX-Filer: desktop font DejaVu Sans Bold 12
...thanks for Forum member dejan555 for the very nice wallpaper. This theme will be in the final, or something very close, I might tweak it a tiny bit. I intend that Racy final will have the same theme.
Anyway, get Wary 5.1.106 from here:
...there are small delta files if you already have downloaded 5.1.103.
Wary 5.1.106 Forum feedbackUsername: BarryK
Here is the forum thread for feedback: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=572480#572480 Discussion of 5.1.106 is starting on page 3 of the thread.
Psip for Wary
Username: BarryK
"Wary 5.1.106 has an "old" version of Psip (also known as PuppyPhone) -- well, about a week old, but Psip development is racing ahead. jamesbond is the brains behind development, smokey01 is helping enormously and is creating PETs. Thanks to CatDude who has tested the latest Psip in Wary and created a PET: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=70867&start=390 ...Wary testers, try this latest! If it gets the thumbs up, it will definitely be in the 5.2RC.
'save' icon broken
Username: BarryK
"I haven't had time to catch up on the Racy forum thread, however I glanced at it today and noticed a report that the 'save' icon on the desktop, for USB installations, is broken. Yes, it is broken in Wary too. I will check this out asap.
hotplugging ... printers etc...
Username: technosaurus
"I wanted to write a unified daemon in shell script and one of the first things I started looking at was udev/hotplug. I found this excellent reference: http://www.bangmoney.org/presentations/hotplug/ ... I don't seem to be getting events at /proc/sys/kernel/hotplug I'm not sure if I misunderstood or it has something to do with Puppy's usb kernel patches (I only have pluggable usb devices) I think I can crank out a fairly quick alternative if I can get this worked out. I will try on a vanilla kernel with hotplug enabled to see if it helps.
slow video -- acer Aspire ONE
Username: broomdodger
"acer Aspire ONE Wary Puppy, version 5.1.106 " -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---- These are too tall for 1024x600 BootManager HardInfo " -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---- The 'intel' video driver is very slow, Xvesa is faster. But if I use Xvesa I can not turn off trackpad tapping, the trackpad is too sensitive. The 'intel' driver was selected by 'Probe', is there a better/faster Xorg driver so that I can disable this twitchy trackpad. " -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---- Wary Puppy, version 5.1.106 on Tue 11 Oct 2011 Chip description: 2.0 VGA compatible controller Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) oem: Intel(r) 82945GM Chipset Family Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS product: Intel(r) 82945GM Chipset Family Graphics Controller Hardware Version 0.0 X Server: Xorg Driver used: intel X.Org version: 1.3.0 dimensions: 1024x600 pixels (223x125 millimeters) depth of root window: 24 planes " -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----
fixed -- slow video -- acer Aspire ONE
Username: broomdodger
"ok, I found a better xorg driver, quite a difference! With xorg 'intel' video driver chosen by 'Probe' # glxgears 313 frames in 7.3 seconds = 42.988 FPS 276 frames in 6.4 seconds = 43.285 FPS 276 frames in 6.3 seconds = 43.473 FPS 276 frames in 6.3 seconds = 43.800 FPS 284 frames in 6.4 seconds = 44.417 FPS 284 frames in 6.4 seconds = 44.574 FPS " -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6---- With xorg 'i810' video driver chosen by 'me' # glxgears 1120 frames in 5.6 seconds = 198.541 FPS 1163 frames in 5.6 seconds = 207.757 FPS 1069 frames in 5.0 seconds = 213.800 FPS 1242 frames in 5.2 seconds = 239.072 FPS 1260 frames in 5.2 seconds = 243.604 FPS 1392 frames in 5.2 seconds = 269.446 FPS " -------1---------2---------3---------4---------5---------6----
'save' icon fix
Username: BarryK
"I posted a fix for the desktop 'save' icon: http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=572550#572550 technosaurus, There is something that you might find useful to checkout, it is called 'udev-notify'. It is used in Ubuntu. http://udev-notify.learnfree.eu/ ...written in Python though.
Hostname broken?
Username: BarryK
"GCMartin, I read your PM. In what way is the current hostname setting in Wary broken? That's not what your PM says.
Great News
Username: Sage
"Both the PUI & tapping are working again in 106. Woofwoof had disappeared, although sound and retrovol were inactive (ESS1978Maestro2Erev10) requiring ASLA (isn't this ESS chiset extremely common?) PSIP may be working insofar as I was able to enter my a/c, but as a new user on this service didn't have anyone to call (sad!). The 'test' sound button didn't play a .wav file. A propos, my webcam lit up but there's no utility to display it (your blog and Forum refers). At least didn't have to view the awful truth...
Re webcams
Username: BarryK
"I suppose that is something that needs to be recognised and properly handled in the base Woof-built Puppy -- webcams, that is. Considering their prevalence these days, especially in laptops. I have never used a webcam before, so it is a new area for me.
Username: Sage
"...because my external webcam lit up, I assume some kernel code was activated? It never did that in some older distros in which webcam was known not work. Start with the old threads on this Forum by nickbiker if you can find them?! I am reliably advised that clone cams work better than badged ones in Linux. Get one in Tesco for a tenner, complete with earphone and mike.
Tags: wary