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Woof: synclient, shutdown fixes

January 29, 2012 — BarryK
Jemimah and Karl Godt have posted some little fixes, put into Woof, see commit 2012-01-29:



Re Quirky
Username: BarryK
"Not really. I haven't had time to think of anything "quirky" to do. If I do think of some quirky new idea to try out, I will probably use Racy as the basis, in other words Quirky will just be Racy with some quirky idea applied to it. But, have no idea if or when that will happen.

Zombie processes fixes
Username: BarryK
"Karl Godt advised on other scripts that need the fix for finding zombie processes: I have committed this to Woof also, same date 2012-01-29.

Cifs and smb shares can cause hanging at shutdown
Username: pemasu
"Jrb`s PupServer-435 has space in share name. /mnt/network/PUPSERVER/usr=root passwd=woofwoof It has been reported that rc.shutdown script does not know how to unmount it and it causes hanging at shutdown about 5 minutes. [b]umount -a -t cifs[/b] unmounts that cifs share. I dont know if the syntax is absolutely right for busybox umount but at least it works.

spaces in files support
Username: K Godt
"fun to chew on this : [code]mkdir /mnt/"sda6 1" mount-FULL /dev/sda6 /mnt/"sda6 1" MNTDPARTS="`mount`" STRAYPARTL="`echo "$MNTDPARTS" |grep -v -E "/dev/pts|/proc|/sys|tmpfs|rootfs|/dev/root|usbfs|unionfs|/initrd| on / "`" STRAYPARTL=`echo $STRAYPARTL |rev |sed 's# )#\n)#g'|rev` echo "$STRAYPARTL" STRAYPARTMP="`echo "$STRAYPARTL" | cut -f 3-99 -d " " |sed 's# type.*##' | tr ' ' '·' | tr "\n" " "`" for ONESTRAY in $STRAYPARTMP ##in MountPoints do ONESTRAY="${ONESTRAY//·/ }" echo "$ONESTRAY" done[/code] i used the middle spot a hidden AltGr . to replace spaces first then deleting the middle dot again . $ONESTRAY has to be double quoted like umount "$ONESTRAY" to work .

/bin/umount ...
Username: K Godt
"!*** /bin/umount script would need something like [code]busybox umount -d "$FULLCMD" #v423 -d fix to free loop device.[/code] too .. may have to look at this if it would affect long options like mount -o move -t xt5fs /dev/sda6 /mnt/"sda6 2"

/bin/mount script
Username: K Godt
"works with mount -o move -t ext3 /dev/sda6 /mnt/"sda6 2" by [code]mount-FULL -n "${@}"[/code]

Tags: woof