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Author info in pet.specs file?

February 06, 2012 — BarryK
There has been some discussion recently on the Forum about the PET package format:

It is very healthy to have this kind of analysis. Yes, the PET format started life in Puppy 2.0, but it has evolved since then. In late 2011 there was a significant improvement in the format of information kept in the "database" entry for a PET package, that is, the content of 'pet.specs'.

In particular, there is now versioning support for dependencies:

I am currently working on MoManager, which is a tool to internationalize Puppy. When a translation file for a script is created or updated by MoManager, the package to which the script belongs is identified, and if a Woof script, MoManager supplies my email address and gzips the new .mo file ready to send. However, a consistent mechanism is needed to do that for PET packages -- if pet.specs contains author and email address, that would solve that problem.

The way that I implemented the "database", one line per package, fields that are delimited by a | character, it is easy to extend with more fields.

Any thoughts on this are welcome.


extra fields
Username: technosaurus
it may sound silly, but puppy runs on a lot of lower resource machines and having a couple of extra fields would be useful on those resource usage(s) {minimum/normal/max} on the same token runtime deps (extra programs that must be running) btw I have found awk to be ideal for processing these types of flat file database for instance: grep -> /string/ cut -d -> FS print $1 ... $XX math functions built in

Username: mavrothal
"What about a "Provides" and may be a "Requires" field or file in the pet? Something like that could be added into dir2pet to generate the fields/files [code]pet_provides() { cd $ADIR BASE=`pwd` #echo "$BASEPKG"_files = > /tmp/files.field find . -type d | sed 's/^.//' > /tmp/dirs # `| grep -v /share' could excluded this dir cat /tmp/dirs | while read ONELINE do cd "$BASE""$ONELINE" FILES=`find . -maxdepth 1 -type f | awk -F/ '{ print $NF }' | tr 'n' ','` if [ "$FILES" != "" ] ; then echo "$ONELINE"/{"$FILES"} >> /tmp/files.field fi done PROVIDES=`cat /tmp/files.field` rm /tmp/files.field BASE="" cd $NOW } pet_depends() # It does not pick binaries in ../lib subfolders or /usr/share { cd $ADIR BASE=`pwd` for i in "$BASE"/{bin,sbin,lib}/* do ldd $i | grep -v "not a dynamic" | cut -f 1 -d '=' >> /tmp/deps.field done for i in "$BASE"/usr/{bin,sbin,lib}/* do ldd $i | grep -v "not a dynamic" | cut -f 1 -d '=' >> /tmp/deps.field done for i in "$BASE"/usr/local/{bin,sbin,lib}/* do ldd $i | grep -v "not a dynamic" | cut -f 1 -d '=' >> /tmp/deps.field done for i in "$BASE"/usr/X11R7/{bin,sbin,lib}/* do ldd $i | grep -v "not a dynamic" | cut -f 1 -d '=' >> /tmp/deps.field done DEPENDS=`cat /tmp/deps.field | grep -v |tr -d 't'| tr -d ' ' | sort | uniq | tr 'n' ' '` rm /tmp/deps.field BASE="" cd $NOW } [/code] (I'm sure that coding can be improved ;)

Tags: woof