'rc.country' rewritten
March 29, 2012 —
I have completely rewritten /etc/rc.d/rc.country.
Rodin.s reported that the console font was not loaded for ru_UA locale, which got me to re-examine the relevant code. rc.country was not properly handling non-English locales, and it really needed to be rewritten, so I did.
Fixes were also required in quicksetup and xorgwizard-automatic scripts.
I am reluctant to be making such big changes when Wary/Racy are at RC1, but the fixes are required.
This Woof commit also has BootFlash fixes, for booting off a non-optical iso9660 filesystem, (init script), and booting from USB drive with separate partition for the save-file (shutdownconfig script).
Woof commit:
HebrewUsername: shinobar
The quicksetup assumes '[b]iw[/b]' for Hebrew language. But there are both '[b]he_IL[/b]' and '[b]iw_IL[/b]' for 'Hebrew, Israel' in the chooselocale choice. I suppose 'iw_IL' is old form and 'he_IL' is the current standard.
Tags: woof