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udev controversy

January 04, 2013 — BarryK
There is a kerfuffle going on right now over udev. Some people are saying that there have been bad decisions made in recent versions. So much so, that some Gentoo developers have forked udev, naming it 'eudev'.

Here is some discussion on this fork:

It seems that the udev developers are in love with Systemd, the boot system that replaces init (which Puppy uses, or rather a simpler init provided by Busybox), and have placed udev inside systemd. Furthermore, it seems that they are moving away from supporting init and other boot systems.

Anyway, Puppy uses udev version 167 (an older version), even for the most recent kernels, and it seems to work fine.

Though, I did read something about some udev-change in the 3.8 kernel, can't find that now, so don't know specifically what.


Username: scsijon
do you mean this? "Teach the kernel to load firmware files directly from the filesystem instead of using udev." It's new in the 3.7 kernel. also mageia 3 is part systemd, but can run init also, but 4 will only be systemd; and opensuse has been systemd for a while; I do notice that most of the main streams are either already changed or are going that way.

Test post
Username: q5sys
"'q5sys' has registered.

ffconvert upgraded
Username: don570
" Shinobar has upgraded ffconvert 1.3.1

ffconvert 1.3.1
Username: BarryK
"Thanks, I have upgraded in Woof to 1.3.1. The PET will be uploaded to ibiblio soon.

This is the way to go.
Username: jamesbond
"udev has been in turmoil for quite a while. systemd may be good, but forcing everyone to use systemd because a core system component (udev) depends on it is - well, not right, to put it mildly. Putting udev under systemd source tree just because they have the same maintainers is not right - what if GTK libs are put under the same source tree as Gnome, because they have the same maintainer? I'm glad that Gentoo takes this step, whether or it will be successful or not, it is the right step. Udev should be independent of any init systems used - if it is not, let's make one that does.

Username: disciple
"> also mageia 3 is part systemd, but can run init also, but 4 will only be systemd; > and opensuse has been systemd for a while; Even Arch is systemd!

Tags: puppy