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network_tray, frisbee

February 19, 2013 — BarryK
Rerwin has updated these, see Forum posts:

I have compiled network_tray in Wary (x86) and on my Mele (armv7).

I removed 'modemiconset.pot' from network_tray and 'frisbee.pot' from frisbee PET.
It is only required to include a .pot file for binary executables.
For scripts, MoManager will generate the .pot file directly from the scripts.

It is only in some very rare cases that generation of the .pot file from the script(s) does not work, due to some weirdness in the script -- 'alsaconf' is one such weird script -- in that case we do have a pre-created alsaconf.pot file.

PETs (14K, 10K, 10K):

Tags: puppy