Order of loading extra SFSs
May 14, 2013 —
Shinobar pointed out a problem here:
I have applied shinobar's patch to the 'init' script (in initrd). Woof commit:
Test postUsername: artsown
'artsown' has registered.
Re SFS layer order
Username: BarryK
"The order won't concern most people. It may be that on one layer you have same-named and same-location files as on a lower layer, in which case the higher ones only will be seen. It might want to order the layers such that later files, say libraries, are on a higher layer.
Compressed Swap
Username: Iguleder
"Barry, have you heard of zram? It's a very nice kernel module that I use myself on RAM-challenged machines. It improves performance and I think it could be a nice feature for Puppy - Slax and other distros already have it. You can see an example [url=https://github.com/iguleder/roar-ng-ii/blob/master/skeleton/rootfs/etc/init.d/zram]here[/url].
Re zram
Username: BarryK
"Iguleder, Yes, it looks like a good idea.
Tags: woof