push offset var1
mov eax,[var1]
A86 follows the MASM syntax. Now, MACC places square
brackets to denote "contents of". FASM will object to the 'offset' keyword,
however I have placed it there to make the code more readable for MASM people.
At the start of each application you need to define 'offset' as nothing,
that is: 'offset equ '.
mov eax,dword [ebx]
ACC uses 'long', now replaced with 'dword'.
_z: times 16 db 0
ACC has '_z: ds.b 16' to reserve uninitialised data. The equivalent in FASM would be '_z rb 16'
however I haven't quite figured out the code of ACC yet, and '_z:' is already
outputed when it reaches this situation. So, I have opted for the initialised
format as shown on the left column, at least for now.
mov eax,0x24
ACC uses '$' prefix for hex numbers.
;public _z
ACC has the 'public' declaration, however FASM objects, at least for "binary output" mode, so I've commented them out.