Fixed bug Daedalus container in Easy Daedalus
This bug should have been glaringly obvious, before Easy Daedalus 6.5 got released. But somehow missed it. This is partly due to Easy Daedalus being new, and my attention is divided between Scarthgap and Daedalus (and mostly I'm working on Scarthgap).
When the host system is Easy Daedalus, and you click on the "daedalus" desktop icon, Daedalus then starts up in a container. However, what I saw today, glaringly obvious but overlooked, was the container icons were still on the desktop. They should not be there, as cannot run a container within a container.
Inside the container, you will see /.control/ and /.control/ -- the latter is a flag that the former has run. However, there is a logic problem, and the former has not actually run. The former cleans up Daedalus in the container, including remove the desktop container icons.
The fix is here:
I'm annoyed that I didn't spot that earlier. Oh well.
I had actually built Easy 6.5.2 and was about to upload it. Easy Scarthgap 6.5.2 has already been uploaded; which is ok, not affected by that bug. However, there is something else that affects Scarthgap, so I will probably build both of them as and upload, probably tomorrow.
If you already have run the Daedalus container in Easy Daedalus
host system, I recommend apply this fix:
Go to /mnt/wkg/containers/daedalus/.session/.control (without the
container running) and delete file ''
Then after updating to, click on the "daedalus" desktop
icon and this time '' should
Tags: easy
New Dcontrol PET
I decided to include Roger's (radky in forum) Dcontrol screen tint and brightness control GUI app in Easy. See discussion thread here:
The Dcontrol PET was provided by Sofiya:
See also here, post by geo_c:
James (jamesbond) has also contributed part of it.
I modified the PET provided by Sofiya. Easy already has the 'sct'
utility. A few other mods, including translations for
'dcontrol.desktop'. It will be an entry in the "Setup" menu
Tags: easy
Daedalus many package version bumps
I posted a few days ago that Chromium 131.0.6778.85 has been compiled in OpenEmbedded -- that will be for Easy Scarthgap. For Daedalus, the Devuan repo has Chromium 131.0.6778.204, plus many more package version bumps, so they will be in the next release.
I have compiled the 6.6.67 kernel for both Scarthgap and
Daedalus, as well as Broadcom PET and NVIDIA SFSs for
Tags: easy
Daedalus mtPaint screen snapshot fix
Problem reported and solution here:
Fix will be in the next release of Easy Daedalus.
Tags: easy
File information app
Forum member JakeSFR, or just SFR in the old forum, has created a great app that will display information about any file or directory:
It can be a CLI app; however, he has also set it to run as a GUI and via the ROX-Filer right-click menu.
Really nice, love it. I have modified the '', as the
'' and '' scripts are not needed. EasyOS
automatically generates the Rox right-click menu entries when a
package is installed and uninstalled, via script
So, right-click on any file or directory, and there will be an entry "File-information". However, I have enhanced 'build-rox-sendto' so that a translation will be applied. The /usr/share/applications/i.desktop has been enhanced:
[Desktop Entry]
Name[ar]=ﻒﻠﻤﻟﺍ ﺕﺎﻣﻮﻠﻌﻣ
Comment=Get a lot of info about a file
Exec=env I_GUI=true i
NoDisplay=false the right-click menu will display the appropriate translation.
Github commit for the enhanced 'build-rox-sendto':
Modified PET not yet uploaded. It will be builtin in the next release of Easy Scarthgap and Easy Daedalus.
Note, another entry in the right-click menu is "Run-in-terminal". The enhanced 'build-rox-sendto' will now also translate that. The file /usr/share/applications/run-in-terminal.desktop:
[Desktop Entry]
Name[tr]=Çalıştırma terminali
Exec=sakura -h -r 10 -c 80 -e run-in-terminal %F
...on the condition that the translation does not have a space character.
I posted about Run-in-terminal here:
This is great, we keep making EasyOS more and more convenient to
Tags: easy
Easy Daedalus no wired internet in containers
For those who have ethernet wired Internet, running Easy Daedalus, there is no Internet connection in containers. The problem was reported to the forum: which I have posted the fix. Simple, you have to run PKGget and install 'dhcpcd-base'
Note, this problem does not occur if you are running Easy
Tags: easy
Custom trike project front page
I have created a "front page" for the custom solar-assisted full-suspension tadpole recumbent trike project:
As noted at the bottom of that page, this is likely to be an ongoing project. Depends on my motivation of course, whether to keep working on it. Right now, as-is, it is usable, and I would like to get it outfitted for a multi-day tour. Depending on the level of satisfaction of the first tour will determine whether motivated enough to keep working on it.
It sure has been a fascinating project. I joined a "men's shed"
which has been a great experience. There are over 1,200 men's
sheds in Australia, see here.
Tags: light
Survival water filter
Getting the gear together to pack into the panniers on the custom recumbent trike, came across a water filter kit that I had purchased early 2021, from Aliexpress:
Yeah, will pack that, could be a life-saver in an emergency situation. Decided to make some little improvements. The Miniwell supports reverse-flow to clean it out, so you could connect the outlet-side to a mains tap and flow clean water in reverse direction. It will give the filter a new lease on life, but not perfect, so I thought about a little pre-filter to prevent largish particles from traveling down to the filter...
Discovered that a Sharpie felt pen is a perfect friction fit into the coupling that goes through a hole in the top water bag. So, modified one, with internals removed and holes drilled in the side:
Purchased some fine stainless steel mesh a couple of years ago, for another project, "50mesh", from eBay:
...the vendor sells "100mesh"; I don't know what that means, perhaps 100 squares per inch. Very fine, but I have used what already own. Mesh wrapped around the pen:
Just happen to have a silicone end-cap that is the right size, a snug fit to seal the left-side of above photo. Here it is inserted into the Miniwell module:
The whole thing can easily be pulled apart for cleaning. On the bottom-end, the filter, I screwed top of a soft-drink bottle, with holes, to tie onto a branch or something for stability:
Note, the tubing is silicone, not the normal plastic tubing that you would buy in the local hardware store. using that because of the excellent UV resistance of silicone. Setup, it works great, very fast flow rate:
The thread on both ends of the Miniwell are the same as used in plastic soft-drink bottles, such as Coke. One possibility at the outlet end of the filter, is to screw on soft flexible bottles. These store flat, so pack very compact, and will expand when filled. I've got a few of these, 500ml, for example this one: ...the thread is compatible with the Miniwell. Hmmm, I notice that prices of all these items have gone up quite a bit since I purchased a few years ago. Umm, but then comparing with prices in local camping stores, still much cheaper to buy direct from China. Dare I make a political comment: if you live in the USA, your government has found a new way to tax you, by imposing huge tariffs on goods from China. This, I understand, even if there are no alternative sources from "friendly" countries. Just my observation from the outside. Here in Australia, there is only a 10% sales tax, regardless of origin. But AU sells a huge amount of minerals, grains, etc., to China, and we don't want to rock the boat. I've become quite cynical in my old age. The politicians
are saying they are imposing tariffs to encourage local
manufacture, but I see it as a cunning way of raising
taxes. |
Ha ha, I just typed that political comment to fill in the space alongside the photo. Don't send me an email complaining that I don't really understand why goods from China are being taxed. Probably I don't; just my cynical-old-man reaction to what I see and hear on the news media.
Regarding the trike project, here are recent posts:
- Trike test elejoy MPPT controller — December 10, 2024
- Custom recumbent trike first test — December 07, 2024
- Planning to affix solar panel to trike — December 04, 2024
Awhile back, purchased four panniers, and right now figuring out how to pack them. Going through all the camping gear; that's how came across the Miniwell filter. Maybe it will never get used, but if "broken down" in a remote rural region, middle of summer, it could be a life-saver. Well, even if just camping at a site with no potable water, with maybe a dam or pond nearby, then can stay there beyond having used all the bottled water.
Very interesting, Miniwell also sell a sealed filter,
that has a shelf life of 25 years:
I read elsewhere, once you start using
it, expect a lifespan of about 3 years. That would be very
variable of course, depending how murky the water is, and how
successful the back-flushing is.
Tags: light