Fossil on hold
November 20, 2009 —
C**p, problems with Fossil.
When I first created the fossil repository for Woof, it did store symlinks. However it has now converted them all into files.
Woof has so many symlinks.
Fossil and symlinksUsername: BarryK
The thing is, it only [i]seemed[/i] that Fossil was storing symlinks. I was working in my source tree and the symlinks in it did not get destroyed by Fossil. I'm running two source trees currently, and and can "pull" from the repository to update a source tree, without destroying the symlinks. However, as I have now found out, Fossil itself knows nothing about symlinks. Peforming a new checkout from my Woof repository and all symlinks are files. I could handle this in my 'fossil' wrapper script, but I can't be bothered. I would much rather have a version control system that does what I need, rather than my bandage workaround. So, I'm going to move on, play with other version control systems. It is not a loss though, as I have started off knowing nothing about these systems, now understand many of the concepts.
Username: linuxcbon
"You can try git
Fossil shelved
Username: BarryK
"See post:
Tags: woof