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Bones bugfix

December 11, 2009 — BarryK
Thanks to playdayz report in the previous blog post,, I have fixed a bug. Get 'bones-11dec2009.gz' from here:

Playdayz, install this latest 'bones' script, then run 'bones download' again -- this time there should not be any error message.

For extra peace-of-mind, you can check afterward, run 'bones check', which checks that the database is correct.


Username: playdayz
Yes, that got it. I had to run "bones check" first; otherwise I got the same Error. Bones check found that the xdelta files had md5sum problems and deleted them. After bones check, bones download ran successfully. Thanks.

Bones check
Username: BarryK
"playdayz, It should be ok when you run 'bones download' next time. Only new delta files will get downloaded, and each will have it's md5sum is checked, so the database should retain its integrity and 'bones check' is not needed -- it is good to have for reassurance though.

Tags: bones