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BaCon 1.0.22pre-20110314

March 14, 2011 — BarryK
There have been some significant improvements to BaCon recently. You can find out about these from discussion on the BaCon Forum:

One of the improvements is support of internationalization, and this has been refined over the last few days.

Here is the latest PET, suitable for inclusion in the 'devx' of all Woof-built puppies:

The 'pet.specs' entry:
bacon-1.0.22pre-20110314|bacon|1.0.22pre-20110314||Utility|1168K||||Basic programming lanuage compiler, you need the 'devx' sfs loaded also||||

Here is the required entry for PKGS_SPECS_TABLE variable (in Woof):

After you have run '2createpackages' and '3builddistro' in Woof, BaCon will be in the 'devx' SFS.

Note that this PET has /usr/lib/, a shared library for HUG (Highlevel Universal GUI). I will update my BaCon web pages to explain how to use this very soon.


bacon bits

re bacon bits
Username: BarryK
"ted dog, Have you created a PET of that? Here is the latest proxy-setup, which makes use of the latest improvements to internationalization and window layout:

BaCon Bits Dev pkg
Username: Ted dog
"yes kinda, needs help updated etc. will link tcc to cc so that the compiler switch is not needed. Only 750k compressed, nice

BaCon Bits Dev pkg
Username: Ted dog
"yes kinda, needs help updated etc. will link tcc to cc so that the compiler switch is not needed. Only 750k compressed, nice

BaCon internationalization
Username: BarryK
"I have updated the internationalization howto page: Oh man, Peter is a very active developer! My latest BaCon PET has shared library to reduce size of executables, however Peter has introduced a new feature that will achieve reduction in size without needing the shared library:

BaCon PET fix
Username: BarryK
"See next blog post:

Tags: puppy