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Planning Precise 5.4.1 and beyond

November 08, 2012 — BarryK
I think that we are very close to releasing Precise 5.4.1, the bug-fix release of 5.4. I am waiting on Forum member akash_rawal to get back with a report on module-loading problems with glib, see here:

If anyone else wants to test Precise (5.4.1beta1), please see the blog post:

So, can we look at getting 5.4.1 out in a day or two?

After Precise
After 5.4.1, I am withdrawing from "the frontline" of Upup/Precise development. If members of the Puppy community want to develop later "community editions", go for it.

I am probably committed to bringing out Wary 5.4, so I guess that will happen.

After that, I intend to work in the background, on some Woof-related things probably.


Puppy homepage blog link

After Precise
Username: Sage
"Wary certainly needs your expert attention as it's intrinsically a great project. Notwithstanding, maybe a light touch on Racy would raise it from great to spectacular. After that, renewed interest in ARM, generally, following recent alliances in the industry, and the release of the 512M RPi board could benefit from your interest and probably lobbying, not least to replace/add a VGA port and improve/extend the range of OS options. Surely, with a project like that, an update/extension/rewrite of the assembler-based Kolibri is a [i]sine qua non[/i]? Somebody somewhere needs to get back to the basic (sorry about the pun) aspects of programming these rudimentary modules for which they were, allegedly, designed, instead of depending on whatever higher level language might be available? It's machine-level coding that my spies tell me is lacking in recent generations of IT graduates. Historians tell us that earlier Chinese dynasties failed to develop heavier-than-air flight due to preoccupation with battling kites. Could it be that we miss the main prize due to our kiddies playing shoot 'em up computer games?

Re blog link
Username: BarryK
"zekebaby, Thanks, fixed.

potential shutdown bug
Username: 01micko
"There's some weird bug a slacko user is having saving to ntfs. Anyway, in looking for that I found another bug in /etc/rc.d/rc.shutdown. It's just a robustness thing. @ line 442 [code] FILEFS="ext3" [ "`echo -n "$SAVEFILE" | grep "2fs"`" != "" ] && FILEFS="ext2" [ "`echo -n "$SAVEFILE" | grep "4fs"`" != "" ] && FILEFS="ext4" #120427 01micko[/code] If Frank Smith, saves his second pupsave named "2fs" (slackosave-2fs.3fs) to an ext3 filesystem we run into trouble. Maybe worth it to tack on a "$" to "2fs" and "4fs" in the above.

Tags: puppy