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Quirky Tahr versus Quirky

January 28, 2014 — BarryK
A review of Quirky appeared recently:

It is a nice positive review, but note that there are a few incorrect statements -- but that is the normal situation with most reviews of Puppy that I have read, so it is to be expected with this new incarnation.
With Quirky, I might have to provide more basic educational introductions to clarify exactly how Quirky works.

Anyway, for those who have been following my blog, I have posted about Quirky Tahr, built with Ubuntu Trusty Tahr DEBs, and expect to upload that soon.

The original Quirky 6.0.x and 6.1.x, built from packages compiled in T2, is not going to go away. It is a good solid foundation to keep developing on. There is expected to be a 6.1.4 very soon.

Hmmm, maybe I should call the original Quirky6 Quirky T2?


Quirky T2"L18L"Hmmm, maybe I should call the original Quirky6 Quirky T2?

Tags: quirky, linux