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SlaQ Linux x86_64 progress

January 03, 2017 — BarryK
I posted about a new project, SlaQ Linux:

Well, I have scratched the itch. Wanted to do a build in woofQ based on Slackware packages. The problem is, a new build like this, lots of bugs get discovered, and it goes on, day after day, finding and fixing things.

One bug I have not fixed: Notecase personal information manager 0.9.8, the last open source version, cannot load images from the gtk theme. Looks like the source will have to be patched. Curious, as no other app has this problem. Also, Notecase works fine in Quirky Xerus64.

A small list of things still to fix.

What I am trying to do is create a distribution that is only about 200MB download. This was one reason why I chose Slackware, thought that there will be less dependencies.

Will I release it? Maybe. If it looks pretty solid in the next couple of days, I can upload it, for anyone who is interested.

Tags: linux