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MaruOS version 0.4

April 05, 2017 — BarryK
Back in August 2016, I wrote about installing MaruOS version 0.2.3:

Yesterday I installed version 0.4, running it right now, posting this blog report from it.

I have a Nexus 5, as reported in earlier blog posts, as well as the recommended SlimPort HDMI adaptor. I have bluetooth keyboard and mouse.

It is working OK, and reasonably snappy performance. There are two main things lacking, audio, and hardware acceleration for video.

Huh, screen went blank, had to press the power button momentarily on the phone to bring it back. The HDMI screen blanks out wen the phone screen does, which of course can be changed.

The phone is set to access the Internet via wi-fi, and that is working also in MaruOS.

For those who don't know, MaruOS is just an Android app. Though, it is a specially modified version of Android. A very barebones Android, very snappy performance.

Tags: linux