New theme for Quirky
July 11, 2017 —
As I mentioned in a post yesterday, the last official release of
Quirky Xerus x86_64 was in January 2017:
Ubuntu Xenial Xerus 16.04 is LTS (Long Term Supported), reaching EOL (End Of Life) in April 2021.
So, I intend to keep Quirky Xerus going for the next couple of years.
That being the case, we are due for another release. I intend this to be version 8.2, and a beta or RC before that.
Most of yesterday and this morning I worked on a new theme. Mostly created brand new themes for each of GTK, JWM, wallpaper and icons.
And, I have got to comment, it looks stunning.
I would probably have described some of my earlier themes as "stunning" also, such as the various green themes, but they weren't to everyone's liking.
This new one is very different, so we shall see ...I won't post a snapshot, will build the suspense

I will be monitoring this forum thread: