Quirky Xerus64 8.2 final
July 19, 2017 —
This is it, the final official version 8.2 release of Quirky Linux
Xerus series. This is for PCs with x86_64 (64-bit) CPUs.
Announcement blurb and release notes are here:
There is a beautiful new theme:

There is a choice to download, either a live-CD ISO file, or an image file for 8GB or greater USB Flash stick. Install instructions:
Primary download site:
Fast mirror:
To turn Quirky into a complete compiler environment, install just one PET package (334M):
Also, kernel patched source is available as a PET (146M):
To patch and compile the kernel:
http://barryk.org/sources/kernel-4.11.9-aufs/, and
U#se#r: p#up#py P#as#sw#or#d: l#in#ux
Forum thread for feedback:
Please note that I have not provided a Service Pack to upgrade from Xerus 8.1.6, as I want to examine some possible issues with the mechanism. I do expect though, upgrade to 8.2.1 will be by a simple Service Pack PET package.
A little buglet, well, more of an inconvenience. For security reasons, all unnecessary daemons are disabled, that includes the CUPS daemon required for printing.You can turn on whatever daemons you need, by going to the menu, System --> BootManager, then choose "Manage system services".
Alternatively, using the file manager, go into /etc/init.d/ and right-click on file 'cups' and make it executable.
However, I have made a change to avoid this inconvenience in the future. In /usr/sbin/cups_shell, I have inserted "chmod 755 /etc/init.d/cups" in line 52.
Version 8.2 is not the latest.
As at July 29, 2017, the latest is now version 8.3: